Top 5 Content Creators to Follow


If you’re reading this right now then you’re most likely interested in blogs and blog style content such as vlogs, which is just video blogging. Practically anyone can be a content creator these days. You just have to have something to say and the courage to fearlessly push yourself out there. I’m still working on the last note. Regardless, it can be overwhelming to find content creators that align with your interests or lifestyle — cue this blog.

Here I will give you a short list of content creators that I follow, who you should too– those who put out content that align with my lifestyle and interest. By no means is this a complete list.

Whitney Port


I Love My Baby But…


She’s a new mommy like myself and has started a YouTube series called “I Love My Baby But…” where she and her husband talk about the struggles, joys, and rewards of being first time parents. If you are looking to expand your family or have recently had a baby, this series will be both informative as well as entertaining.

Sophia Roe



This woman is everything — literally. She does everything. Her Instagram provides you with a dose of realness that ranges from beauty to nutrition and health. I look forward to her video and story uploads, plus I have countless of her posts saved for reference. If you’re looking for inspiration to be a better you, she’s the gal to follow.

Whitney White aka Naptural85


Simple. Natural.Haircare


Like many afro-textured hair women, I started following Whitney when I was transitioning from relaxed hair to natural. She has expanded her platform to more than just hair. She and her husband Felipe have a vlog channel on YouTube that gives a glimpse into their daily life with their two little ones. I’ve watched this family expand from two to four and it has been such a beautiful journey for them. I’m convinced that by keeping up with their vlogs you will fall in love with each different personality and they will have you wanting a little family of your own.

Alba Ramos aka Sunkissalba



Since seeking to become more conscious of what I’m putting in my body I have realized that products I use on my body need to be as natural as possible as well. If you’re looking to do the same, then you need to be following her. She does many product reviews and recommendations for more natural and earth friendly products.

Ambrosia Malbrough



057E92B9-14FC-45F1-9ED3-58EAD7A1AF4CShe’s a new mommy and also puts out content for hair, beauty, and lifestyle. Her content is both informative as well as inspiring. If you’re looking for some quick style ideas or makeup looks, plus more, then head over to her page and indulge.



Jasmine Freeman



Of course I’m going to promote myself. I’m just getting started but my goal is to provide you with content that will inspire and inform you through your journey in life. So stick around grow with me.


Love and light

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